23 June 2000
water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Proverbs 27:19
Today we got up early
(after no sleep - well maybe 2 1/2 hours) to go to the river.

On the way to the Saxacalli Camp
site we pulled over at a resort for people to walk around. Kurt and I stayed behind and sat by the
boats. We talked about life and love, about our group and
expectations, about health and beauty. We were, "sittin' by the
dock of the bay"

Meanwhile, back at the hostel, Bob
is looking after Missy and Kelly. Kelly and Missy are dehydrated
from our long week but are tough and will make it through. Kelly
continues to sip water throughout the day and gradually makes her
recovery. Missy will need an IV and thanks to Dr. Bob, one is on the
way. After some concentration and a (nervous, but) careful hand,
Missy begins to receive replenishment for her body.
Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the
little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of GOD
belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not
receive the kingdom of GOD like a child -- will never enter it."
Mark 10:14-15 |
all worked very hard and each of us was in danger of becoming ill.
Once we got to Saxacalli, I was
overcome with the simple beauty I saw. A small thatched shelter to
my left and a sandy beach all around the perimeter. In the
background a small one-room-esque white washed school with a green field
to the right for the children to play cricket. Kurt asked the school
for permission to use their beach and they were very excited and
agreed. They wanted to hear our stories and sang "This Little
Light of Mine."

Israelites are in battle and are winning so long as Moses' hands are
lifted in prayer...
When Moses' hands grew tired,
they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and
Hur held his hands up -- one on one side, one on the other -- so that his
hands remained steady till sunset.
Exodus 17:12
(Aaron & Hur were each of you) |
really did feel welcome. After a few games of Frisbee and a nice
packed lunch we jumped in the boats, maneuvered around the rain and headed
home. What a fabulous day.
I should comment here about the market place there on the harbor but I
don't have the right words to describe how different that was for
me. People bustling around, trucks squeezing through, more people
filling boat after boat after boat, vendors sitting on the side of the
road, buying a ticket to
use the bathroom, people staring, really staring at us. Very
That afternoon we split into two
groups. One group began cooking our "Texas-style dinner"
for our hosts and the rest of us went to the revival next door at Kingston
Church. The sermon was long but valid and we were tired (lack of
sleep and lots of sun) but tried to be attentive.

After the service we
served dinner. Yee-Haw - Fajitas, guacamole, pinto beans, steak,
chicken. It was sooo nice to have chicken cooked state-side
style. All of us were still dead-tired but the thought of leaving
the next morning was looming overhead. |
Keep on loving each other as
brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some
people have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:1-2 |
fellowshipped and shared stories and exchanged addresses, danced a little
country-western dance, listened to lots of Garth Brooks and then piled
into the van for a night full of packing and reminiscing.