there was a reason for this. Perhaps cleaning her area or medicating
or working with another animal. My heart breaks and I cannot imagine
my life without the freedoms I have and the luxuries I use every day.
Right now we are in a small plane (10 seater) over the rain forest of
Guyana. We are heading to the Kaieteur Falls. I'm very excited
and am enjoying the scenery. [The river's below with spots of civilization
nestled among the surrounding trees.

While at the airport (waiting for
the falls) Bob, Alan, & Jodi started telling armed forces
stories. Bob told a moving story about his stick buddy from flight
school killed in Desert Storm. The story and emotion present reminds
me how precious time is with our friends and loved ones. We can't
predict or stop another's death or disappearance from our life but we can
do our part to enjoy and share joyful moments with each other.
In the plane to and from the falls my thoughts centered around how lucky I
am! How wonderful is God's creations!! I look out into the
clear blue skies! I have never seen God's creations so close and
beautiful! We are truly blessed!!!!

The falls are fabulous (see
photos) The trip was really hard for me physically but really well
worth it.

Everyone's experience gave them
something different. For me, this trip (to the falls) gave me a
sense of Love and compassion.
On our way back from the falls the other plane's silhouette was embraced
by a circular rainbow.

This is symbolic to how our trip
has been. The plane is a symbol of our group as a whole and the
rainbow is God's love and his arms circling us in an embrace filled with
his love, beauty and bounty to give to us.
On our return, the entire team gathered
and fellowshipped. Late in the evening we pulled together for
a meeting/devotional. The rest of the evening our hostel was filled
with love. We listened and shared. Shared and
gave. Loved and listened.